EDP, Portugal

Belver Hydro Power Plant

The Belver Dam is located on the Tagus River, about 27 km upstream from Abrantes and 21 km downstream from the Fratel Dam. The dam is made of conventional concrete and comprises three distinct sections: the power house on the right bank, the gravity-type profile section on the left bank, and the central movable section that serves as the spillway for floods. The dam has a maximum height of approximately 21 meters and a total length of 452 meters.

In the power house there are a total of six units installed from the right bank towards the river's axis. These include four units (1, 2, 3, and 4) each equipped with vertical axis Kaplan turbines, each with a power output of 8.8 MW; a fifth unit with a power output of 15 MW, also equipped with a Kaplan turbine; and a sixth unit of the bulb type with a power output of 31 MW, featuring a horizontal axis Kaplan turbine. On the dam-central wall next to the unit 6, there is a device installed for fish passage, a Borland-type lock.

Project info

  • Owner : Energias de Portugal, SA
  • Type : Run-of-river
  • Turbines : 5 Kaplan vertical units + 1 bulb type
  • Constructed : 1951
  • Installed Capacity [MW] : 81
  • Reservoir Capacity [mil m3] : 7,5
01. Objectives
To showcase the refurbishment potential using eel-friendly turbines for low head machines.
To introduce assessment tools to ensure hydraulic efficiency and mechanical reliability, while minimizing risks to eel mortality and facilitating downstream migration.
02. Contact information